Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13th

So, I decided to start a new blog as the old one was "leaking" some info to people who don't deserve to know what is going on in my life now! They know who they are, and they suck!
0- :) <--that's my innocent face, see my halo?

The downside is that my original blog included all of my TTC journey leading up to that amazing day (August 14th) when we got the news we had long awaited! So, this first entry will be an annoyingly long overview how we got to the point we are now!

March 17, 2007- married the man I was supposed to be with forever in a crazy Irish bash complete with green beer, Irish step dancers, and a video clip on Joe Costig (voice of the Red Sox) announcing us into our reception! (so cooooool!) We begin casually trying to have a baby complete with timed sex and ovulation sticks galore!

July 2007- bought our house in Dedham, and moved for hopefully the last time ever! Sometime mid July I got a positive HPT and began to feel great that it was so "easy" to get pregnant when I was so settled in my new life?

September 11, 2007- Woke up to spotting and bad cramping and proceeded to miscarry over the next few days, although the RN said it's always copmething genetic at this point. We are devestated!!

December 2007- September 2008- 2 major surgeries (11 weeks of bedrest after a badly broken ankle and multiple tests to find a small hole in my heart) we finally arrive at Boston IVF and meet "our Savior" Dr P.) We get our diagnosis as unexplained infertility, which is like a giant punch in the stomach! "So there is really no reason why you aren't getting pregnant, you just are unlucky pretty much?"

September 2008-July 2009- 3 failed IUI's with Clomid and 3 failed IUI's with Bravelle/Ganarelix/Ovidrel leads us to IVF finally! They retrieve 27 follicles! 17 fertilize, we transfer the best 2 and freeze 3 more. IVF #1 - BFN!!! :(

August 2009- After a heartwrenching BFN, Dr P suggests as FET because we need to let me body recover from the "bit of overstim from the July cycle". My body was a rockstar, but alas no BFP that cycle. I was convinced a FET wouldn't work if a fresh cycle didn't! But it was a FET cycle or waiting so we went for it. August 3rd we transferred 2 beautiful fetilized embies and settled in for 2 days of self imposed strict bedrest! The couch may still have my butt print in it??

August 14, 2009- Beta Day! We get the news we waited for forever, I was pregnant although my number was a bit low at 44. They "like" to see around 100 but frozen cycles sometimes start off slower than fresh cycles.

Our repeat betas keep quadrupling!! Ultrasound shows 1 beautiful little heartbeat and we get released from the RE!

Now, I am almost 21 weeks pregnant with a crazy little baby boy named Aiden who is set to make his debut on April 27th, 2010! I couldn't be more happy to have backaches, heartburn, and throwing up occasionally since he is happy and healthy per the doctors!

Man, that was long winded! You should probably have skipped this post anyhow, but since you read all the way to rock! :) Here's to April 2010!!!!

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