Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8th

So, I have been a bit nervous (but totally trying to play it off of course) that Aiden who was so active last weekend has been so quiet the last few days. Typically I feel him tossing and turning several times a day, and then it's been down to once of twice a day the past few days. I have been fighting myself with calling the OB office, but I seem to call them for everything and don't want to be "that patient." So, last night after my 3rd trip to the bathroom between 9 pm and midnight, it took me awhile to fall back asleep. Lo and behold, Aiden was awake and moving like a madman! Maybe he has mixed up his day/nights the last few days and I have had nothing to be freaking out about? This whole pregnancy thing is so new to me, so being no expert I freak out. It's what I am best at, but I have to believe this pregnancy is going to result in my baby in April. I have to for my own sanity. A few girls from that I read religiously have had losses this week and it's messing with my brain I think?

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the freaking out about less movement. I know my Rylee bumps around like crazy some days, usually for a few days in a row. Her light jabs keep me awake some nights. Then, there are days where I seem to feel nothing at all, and yes, it freaks me out. But I just remind myself that newborns sleep most of the day, so why expect any less out of her? I tell myself that she is sleeping :) It helps make it through the scary days.
