Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7th

I am a bad, bad blogger! Things here have been status quo, so I haven't had too much to say for once. We had a great appointment on Friday starting off with seeing our beautiful baby boy on the ultrasound hanging out. Good news is for now he is head down which also explains all the weird low pains I have been having which is probably him bumping into my cervix as he is wiggling around in there. Going with the TMI route now, so be prepared! When he bumps into my cervix it feels like a combination of having to poop really badly and about to puke all at the same time. Luckily it only lasts like 5 seconds for now, so it's bearable. I think someday I will actually miss these kicks/punches/bumping around even though right now they are getting increasingly uncomfortable. They estimated Aiden weighing in at approx. 3.5 lbs with a 5 oz margin of error, which still gives us 3-3.5 lbs. She said he was in the 78% for weight but didn't give us a length estimate that I remember. We saw Dr T instead of Dr G (who was on vacation) and she said things looks perfect so far. I am so relieved that things are going smoothly as a very good friend just had her twins at 32 weeks. I so would not be ready to have this baby in the next 2-3 weeks. I want him to stay put until April, even if it does feel like he might fall out at some points. I love you little boy and Mommy can't wait to meet April!!!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear things are going well. I'm in my 28th week and baby is laying completely sideways in my ute. I feel like my guts fall out every time I stand up, lol. Hope she turns around soon :) I'm so jealous that you got another u/s!! I don't get any more unless there is a problem. Good luck with these last few weeks!
