Friday, January 8, 2010

January 8th

So, I have been a bit nervous (but totally trying to play it off of course) that Aiden who was so active last weekend has been so quiet the last few days. Typically I feel him tossing and turning several times a day, and then it's been down to once of twice a day the past few days. I have been fighting myself with calling the OB office, but I seem to call them for everything and don't want to be "that patient." So, last night after my 3rd trip to the bathroom between 9 pm and midnight, it took me awhile to fall back asleep. Lo and behold, Aiden was awake and moving like a madman! Maybe he has mixed up his day/nights the last few days and I have had nothing to be freaking out about? This whole pregnancy thing is so new to me, so being no expert I freak out. It's what I am best at, but I have to believe this pregnancy is going to result in my baby in April. I have to for my own sanity. A few girls from that I read religiously have had losses this week and it's messing with my brain I think?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010

So, baby Aiden has been very active today which is soo much fun but the bigger he is getting this less this tickles. He is currently just above 1 pound and about 13 inches long, and still giving me quite the wallop when he gets going. I cannot even imagine how this might be when he is 6-7 pounds and really doesn't have much room to move and gets his feet caught under my ribs and stuff. I feel like that is coming sooner than later, considering that at my 21 week appt, he was measuring a solid 3 weeks ahead. Maybe that's why he is so active? He thinks he is heading towards 30 weeks now instead of just about 24 weeks?? I would love to have an ultrasound on all the time and be able to peek in there and see what he is doing when it feels like he is going nutso in there!!!