Saturday, April 24, 2010

Houston, we have lift off!

Got admitted yesterday evening with exacerbation of pregnancy induced hypertension meaning my current high blood pressure had risen again and the MD's felt it was best to just go ahead and move my scheduled induction from Tuesday the 27th to Friday the 23rd. I had been begging for baby A to make an appearance, but was anxious when the docs finally said OK. Checking at at 4, had 2 amazing RN's taking care of me overnight along with some great OB docs. They did 2 rounds of Cytotec which is supposed to soften your cervix and start some contractions. First dose, you lie in bed on contraction monitor for 2 hrs then you are free to sit up and move around. They checked and I was still 1 cm and 50% effaced, so no real change. Up comes dose # 2 and after an hour things were rocking on the monitor! At 4 hrs they checked me and I was having some major contractions but of course, only some slight progress. Now I know what they mean when they say "when contractions start, you will know it!" They were pretty uncomfortable in my lower back but can only imagine they will get worse on pitocin this morning. Thank god for the epidural! I walked a lap around the ward and I am pretty uncomfortable, so I am back in bed. Hubbs got about 6 hrs sleep to my 1.5 hrs but he is gonna need to be strong for me today so it's all good. Hoping to see baby A by the end of the day today!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7th

My maternity photos are in: