Sunday, March 28, 2010

March 28th

Our first "real scare" was this morning. I woke up at 6:30 and sat up just like every single day of my life. I instantly got so dizzy and the room did 4 or 5 quick spins. Reminded me of my younger days when you woke up and realized you were still drunk from the night before? Ahhhh....the memories! But anyhow, I came downstairs (carefully mind you) and had some water. The lightheaded feeling continued and if I moved my head too quick the room spun. Made a cup of coffee and took one sip and got nauseous. This was weird, so I decided to call the after hours line just in case. They called me right back and said to come in just in case.
I woke up S and I am sure he thought it was because the baby was on his way when I said "We need to head into the hospital." One long dizzy car ride in and we were admitted to labor and delivery triage where they hooked me right up to some fetal monitors. Aiden was bouncing around in there, happy as a clam! My blood pressure which has been running in the 110's/60's was at 138/83. Yuck! They took it about 5 more times and it was always the same. They drew some pre-eclampsia labs which luckily all came back OK! My urine had trace protein in it, but it does every appointment so that was OK too. They discharged me, but are "keeping me on their radar" per the RN. I told them we would see them in 4 weeks, and the RN just winked at me. I have been saying since the beginning that I thought it was mid April and he has measured that way this whole pregnancy, always 1.5-2 weeks ahead.
Anyhow, I will be 36 weeks this Tuesday and am grateful that baby is doing so well in there. I have had a few sad moments this past week as 2 good friends of mine who are still on their IF journey have had tough times. A coworker whom I love is just starting IUI's and getting frustrated at the heartbreak of that call every month with the "I'm sorry but your not pregnant this month. My TTC buddy just had her 6th loss and I can say/do nothing to make it any better. It breaks my heart and I cried like a baby for her. It takes me back to just a year ago when we were just heading towards IVF and I was feeling like this would never happen for us and here I am a year later with a beautiful baby boy about to make his debut in a few short weeks. I have been complaining a lot more lately about the aches and pains but this brought it right into perspective again. I am one lucky girl and I just need to remember that!

Monday, March 15, 2010

March 15th

I feel so incredibly lucky to be at this point in my pregnancy. We have had an amazing baby shower where our friends truly spoiled us, and even though I got a bit emotional when thanking everyone they knew it was truly heartfelt. My life right now is pretty awesome! I keep thinking at this point next month Aiden could be here, and that thought makes my head spin. I know every pregnant woman says that they don't think they will honestly go "the whole way until their due date" but I just have a weird feeling/intuition. He has been measuring ahead for quite awhile now, with 2 weeks ago his head measurement placing him at 37 weeks! It is quite possible if I can get this giant head out that the rest of the delivery will be a piece of cake!! Hahaha

The one thing I would change about this pregnancy and the only thing I would ever complain about is the heartburn! It is horrific and bothersome every single day! I am taking Prilosec twice a day and then still taking Tums at some point during the night. I think right now it is much worse only because there is no room for any of my internal organs, since my big headed son takes up all the room in there!! I love him and love all the crazy kicking he does, but the acid can leave anytime it wants to!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 7th

Eeeeek, yes I am writing this at almost 2 am on the day of my baby shower. In 9 hours everyone who I love will be in the same room to celebrate that finally I get to bring have the baby we have so desperately prayed for. I keep thinking right now that Aiden will be here next month and it gets me all crazy! I can so easily revert my feelings back to this time last year when I didn't know if I could make it through another failed cycle, but I did. I have a few friends right now that are cycling and I feel their pain so vividly. I don't know who decided it was finally my time but I thank God everyday that they did. I am excited for this new chapter, but scared as well. I know S. and I will be good parents and will love this gorgeous baby boy more than life itself. I cannot wait to meet you Aiden and to kiss those chubby little cheeks I keep seeing on the ultrasound pictures. To all of my family and friends that are just as close as family, thank you for sticking by me through this and I love you all more than you will EVER know!