I had no idea on NYE of 09-10 how much I would grow this year, of course I was excited at the thought of meeting baby Aiden and how long and hard we tried and waited so patiently for his arrival. I had no idea that my heart would grow 3 sizes that day and how I trusted this tiny 8 lb baby boy with my heart til the day I die. The fact that he took my heart so willingly and has never let it go in the 8 months we have been together makes my heart feel happy. Even the days I question whether I know what the heck I am doing as some one's mother, one smile from this incredible baby boy and I know this is exactly where I am supposed to be. My life is exactly where it is supposed to be and that makes me happy. Aiden is pulling up on everything he can and then smiles the biggest, gummiest grin when we clap for him. He is just starting to cruise along the furniture although he forgets sometimes to move the feet along with the arms but that will come soon enough. My baby doesn't want to be a baby anymore although he still enjoys a good cuddle with Mama and that is usually the best part of my day. One smile from him and my heart could burst. He knows me and we are his whole world...life is right where it should be so bring on 2011!!!