Well, our monthly visit with Dr G was this morning and Aiden was very excited this morning. He choose to wake me with a well placed kick to the bladder that made me almost pee the bed! Strong work lil B, strong work! I got up and Sean had gotten me coffee and Aiden and I settled in for some couch time before heading out.
Dr G measured my tummy which they start doing at your 20 week appointment and the number of cm from your pubic bone to the top of your uterus should coincide with the number of weeks you are. Well sir Aiden is measuring ahead by 2+ weeks and either he is going to be a big boy or Mommy needs to cut out of the afternoon snack. I gained 4 lbs this month for a grand total of 10 lbs. Dr G wants me to try and stay closer to 25 lbs since I am not a tiny girl to start with. We also found out that starting at 28 weeks, I will have an u/s every visit since my pre exisiting high blood pressure can wear out the placenta prematurely which would slow Aiden's growth down. They will use these u/s to ensure Aiden is growing like he should and that everything looks peachy keen.
I like the thought of being able to see him every week until I get to meet him in April. The time is suddenly flying and the thought of being already more than half way through this pregnancy is CRAZY!
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, or holiday!
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